
A little bit about me.

Hello! I am a 23 year old creator who loves to produce work digitally and traditionally. I have graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University School of The Arts in 2023 with a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design.

I call myself a multi-media artist because I enjoy learning and exploring different mediums, having a deep passion for fine arts, craft, and design. I always have the desire to experiment and push forward with my creativity through dynamic approaches.

A little fact about me is that I love coffee. As a hobby, I love spending time exploring new cafes around me. Anytime I travel, experimenting new flavors and enjoying the aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans is always therapeutic.

As always, I am open to opportunities for me to learn and grow my experience & knowledge, to help me expand the world through my creativity and passion.

Thank you so much for viewing my site!